Yuzu Sushi

Best sushi in the Penninsula

by Tobias on April 21, 2010

54 37th Ave
San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 358-0298
[Yelp] [Map] [Flickr]

I have not had better sushi, I have only had different sushi.

I have a dedicated Flickr set for Yuzu.  Check it out here (and I hope to update it every time I attend.).

They know what they are doing.  When I need to be perked up there are two words that can change my mood in a heartbeat:

1) “Yuzu” & 2) “Omakase”

Dinner at Yuzu w/ Arimasan at the helm

Arimasan Serving the Sushi Bar

Natto Maguro

I have had the best Toro at Yuzu.  That is not easy to do.  I just a few days ago had natto maguro and asked for a quail egg.  The waitress asked if I was japanese with a grimace, I said no, and she just couldn’t believe I wanted natto on purpose.  That being said, the natto was different than what I have had before; subtle, smokey, and nothing over the top.  Even the things they might not be fond of eating for themselves, they really go all out, pay attention to detail and quality.

I have NEVER had bad/mediocre uni here, which is almost always hit or miss no matter where you go.

I have had some things at Yuzu that the chef, Arimasan, has prepared special and I now make a point to seek out.

Stewed Salmon Head

On Father’s Day I went with my father and mother.  I have been coming to Yuzu for a few years now, but not with my parents.  My parents have also been coming to Yuzu for quite some time.  Arimasan, the amazing sushi chef that probably makes Yuzu what it is, saw us together and had no idea that we were family.  (I stand out because of my exceedingly long dreadlocks.)  He was kind enough to present us with a stewed salmon head as a father’s day gift.  It was well enjoyed by all.

Salmon Eye

Little did Arimasan know was that as a small child, my mother doth proclaim, I apparently loved fish eyes.  So I had another go.

Far too often conversation is interrupted during our meal; the last time my father and I went together we both immediately stopped talking at length when we put the uni nigiri into our mouths.  I believe it was three different kinds of uni on top of the bed of rice wrapped in nigiri.  We immediately stopped talking and let the blissful, wonderful, creamy, full flavoured sea urchin take over our minds.  Talking would have been rude to the amazing nigiri.

These kind of happy interuptions happen alarmingly often.  This is a wonderful thing when you are taken away by a small bite sized piece of food.

Saying it is a pleasure eating here is an understatement.

In summary:


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Judith Jackson September 25, 2012 at 12:56 am

When I bought a sushi maker machine for myself last year, I almost thought what I make is the most delicious sushi. But then this restaurant really has the best tasting sushi in the States. I wouldn't mind dining here every week.


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