
In Memory of J.D. Falk

by Tobias on December 6, 2011

J.D., well known for his fight against spam & friends to many, left us recently. (MAAWG has through memorial page for him here. Friends and family have a dedicated page as well.)

At his memorial this past Saturday I took a moment to voice my thoughts. Here is what I had to say:

I wish…
I wish I had known JD better; we were always just acquaintances. I wish I had known he was sick; I would have done anything to help in anyway I could. I wish I could have experienced more of his glowing smiles that emanated from the depths within him and emanated throughout his entire self. I wish…

But alas, wishes are the seeds I throw into the soil with intense dreams of trees growing fruit, but I know full well that they are only dreams painted by a wistful mind. Instead, I think it is important to focus on the seeds that did grow trees & bore fruit.

My sporadic interactions with JD were always wonderfully sweet fruit of experiences plucked and enjoyed from his tree of Life. When I would sit down idly to perhaps say hello or catch up, we would pluck that fruit, I would peel back the skin, split it in half to share, and look at it in amazement; The fruit of experience with JD were always glowing. It radiated the light of happiness from the center all the way to the skin.

I will always remember those fruit from JD’s tree of life in celebration. We may not be able to hold any in our hands, feel it, or see that light with our eyes any longer, but the sweetness shall forever live on in our memories.

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A Year Ago Today

by Tobias on May 19, 2010

Memorial for Micah

One year ago today my little brother, Micah Ethan Tenney, passed away.

This date is one I will never forget, but never want to remember. I miss my little brother.

I intend to celebrate his life on his birthday, not this horrible day.

Instead, here are some resources for those in need.  Suicide is something that can be prevented.  I can’t go back in time to save my brother, but you can be proactive and save lives merely by being aware.

If you or someone you know is in suicidal crisis, here is a phone number you can call.  Don’t be afraid to call or worry about consequences of calling. Anything is better than the alternative.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Here are some online resources:

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

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